Cross Cutting Activities
Our intervention under women’s rights are captured under the following sub thematic areas; Women’s Human Rights, Women’s Political and Economic Rights, Gender Based Violence, Violence against Women and Girls, Sexual Minority Rights, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Violence in Conflict Situations, Trafficking in Person’s and related violations.

Our organization is youth driven and our programmes, are designed to promote the principles of equality and social development among young people. Youth engagement and social re-orientation if ingrained in our building programmes specifically designed to promote a culture of peace and peaceful co-existence among youths. We recognize that in Nigeria, despite the huge population of youths and their critical contribution to the economic development of the country, the agenda for youth development is eschewed in government policies that are hardly implemented. To this end, JIID works to mainstream youth political and socio-economic empowerment that ensures they are permanently included in decision making processes. JIID’s youth programmes are designs to specifically align with the implementation of goal 4, 5 and 10 of the sustainable development goals and the implementation of the Nigerian Youth Policy.

JIID directly intervenes in youth development and advancement targeting vulnerable persons and persons with disabilities in all our programme intervention.