With focus on Education and Environmental Sustainability. JIID believes that development is not complete if it is not sustainable. We key into the thinking around the sustainable development goals that posits that we cannot ‘continue using current levels of resources as this will not leave enough for future generations’. Our approach intends to solve the development issues of today while ensuring that the needs of the future generations are considered in all levels of programme design and implementation. JIID cares about the realities of our present climate and works towards ensuring that the future generations can actualize their dreams of a better society.
JIID works across all levels of education, with special attention toward creating access to education for underserved adolescent girls and boys in rural and remote communities where educational facilities and access are grossly inadequate. JIID works to support school governance structures through strengthening the Schools Based Management Board (SBMB) to better able provide critical operational guidance to public schools. We are carry out wide range of educational programmes that expand access, knowledge and capacity of both teachers and their trainers. Our education programme targets the girl-child who we support with the provision of dignity kits and access to sanitary pads and other necessary hygiene materials aims to increase female pupils’ school enrolment, attendance and retention.

JIID works to increase the resilience of local communities to the effects of the climate challenges. We work to support actions that revise the effect of environmental degradation and climate change by improving environmental positive practices in agriculture by improving farming methods in both industrial and subsistence agriculture. JIID aims to support local food processing collectives to utilize climate friendly methods in crops processing and storage.