Short Story
The Malkohi Community in Yola South Local Government in Adamawa State is home to over three thousands (internally displaced persons) IDP’s who have been displaced by the Bokoharam Insurgency in Adamawa and neighboring Borno state, North East Nigeria.
People in Malkohi IDP Camp Need Your Help
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Campaign Story
Malkohi IDP Host Community Needs Urgent Assistance for its Many Residents
The Malkohi Community in Yola South Local Government in Adamawa State is home to over three thousands (internally displaced persons) IDP’s who have been displaced by the Bokoharam Insurgency in Adamawa and neighboring Borno state, North East Nigeria.
The community is designated an informal IDP Camp, which means that is not one of the government recognized and serviced camps. This result to residents lacking access to care and needs that they require for daily livelihood.
Proper housing, water and sanitation, and basic hygiene conditions are extremely poor. The thousands of people in this camp lack access to food, toilet facilities and basic medication like paracetamols and malarial drugs.
The living condition of the residents of Malkohi camp is deplorable. Worn out tents donated by non-governmental organizations dots the landscape. The human needs in Malkohi is ever so evident from the faces of the residents who among them are women and children who have to struggle for necessities.
JIID is crowd funding to provide food items, mosquito nets and sanitation equipment to 50 families living in Malkohi Community. While this will not solve the entire development issues facing the community members. It would go a long way in ensuring that families are protected against hunger and diseases, which would be exacerbated with the impending seasonal rain that would begin from May 2021.
Help us improve the living condition of IDP’s in Malkohi Community. They need every possible assistance they can get.
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